Unlike most downloaders, it optimizes your download speed so you can confidently download albums or podcast channels at super-fast speed. SnapDownloader lets you download entire YouTube playlists in MP3. The fantastic thing about SnapDownloader is that video conversion occurs during the download process. Besides supporting downloads of high-quality YouTube videos, it lets you download these videos in either MP4 or MP3 format. SnapDownloader is an efficient video downloader for YouTube and 900 other sites, and it is easily the first recommendation for a YouTube to MP3 converter app.

To help you with your needs, we’ve compiled a list of the best free YouTube to MP3 converters that’ll get you what you need without any hassle:

As such, YouTube to MP3 converters allow you to download the audio that you need to your computer in MP3 format. Apart from music, there is a ton of other YouTube video content with valuable audio, including podcasts, ASMR, background music, sound effects, and some tutorials. With YouTube to MP3 converters, you can now enjoy your favorite music in your shower, office, or during a trip, where many people don’t get proper network reception. The fact is that music in audio form only has higher replayability than its visual counterparts. In such cases, the audio is usually the real gem and there are many free YouTube to MP3 converters that help music lovers extract the audio they need from YouTube videos. While it's prohibited to download copyright music, you can download those that are royalty-free and non-copyright. With so many videos on YouTube, you'll come across a lot of music videos. With the sheer amount and variety of new content, YouTube meets everyone’s demand, especially music lovers. And every day, users watch about 5 billion videos on the platform. YouTube sees about 300 hours of video uploaded to the platform every hour.