Nova later woke up in a Defenders of Man base, with no memory of what happened. Meanwhile, zerg attacks return on the outer colonies of the Terran Dominion, with Emperor Valerian Mengsk 's new regime slow to respond to the sudden assaults. Along with facing political opposition, several Dominion ghosts have gone missing, the trail leading to a secretive terran group called the " Defenders of Man." Nova Terra is assigned to investigate, but goes missing. The Terran Dominion, led by Emperor Valerian Mengsk, is attempting to recover from the civil wars and zerg attacks that have ravaged their civilization. The campaign takes place a few years after the epilogue of Legacy of the Void (post- 2508). The Nova portrait is limited to the pre-purchase bundle.

A player can unlock the skin without the pre-purchase after completing all nine missions of the campaign. Those who pre-purchased Nova Covert Ops received a unique Nova portrait, as well as a Covert Ops ghost skin. Only the StarCraft II Starter Edition is required to download the missions. Each mission pack will be $7.49 USD, while the pre-purchase option comes to $14.99 USD.

Each mission pack can be purchased separately, but only the bundle is available for pre-purchase. A bundle could be pre-ordered that grants the purchaser access to all 9 missions through a single payment.